Friday, August 21, 2009

New Additions - coming up.

Good Morning Artists.

Last week at our Art Forty-Two meeting we talked about the next features to roll out. FaithMarie and I want to keep you all in-the-know so here is what's next.

First priority: one-to-one exchanges. We plan on adding an exchange tool on the profile page, and on a new exchange page, that will allow members to add items they would like to exchange with other members, such as random paper, stickers, or whatever.

Second priority: icons on profile pages. We want to give you all the ability to add some personality to your profile pages with a profile icon/avatar/picture.

So, basically, this next update will give you a new tool and a new bit of eye candy. We chose to do one:one exchanges first because it was the most popular request according to our feedback survey. We've prioritized updates based on that survey - thanks to all who have responded - your ideas help a lot!

Now, our resident geek (aka: my husband), who generously donates his time to help do the back-end work on the site has said he would not be able to begin on these two changes until September. We hope to roll these changes out sometime in October. We may even call out to members in late September or October to help us test.

Keep creating - we love you guys!

PS: I would like to apologize for the slow response on some of the e-mails that have come to our webmaster e-mail. We try to respond within 24 to 48 hours but sometimes it may take a little longer. We will try to improve the turn around.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Hello arty members!

We are pleased to see the site membership growing every day. We have noticed there are some member accounts that have minimal contact information. So I thought I would offer just a few words on addresses.

In order to protect member privacy, we added some "confidential" features, so each member can choose how much of his or her mailing address to reveal to the entire Art Forty-Two membership.

This week a member e-mailed and asked, "how will participants in a project with me know what my address is?" The answer consists of two options:

- Enter your mailing address and make it public to members. Note members must be logged in to see any member or project information.


- Keep your address confidential and e-mail it to whomever needs it.

The choice is yours. :O)

IMPORTANT: Sometimes, FaithMarie and I like to mail surprises to our members. So make sure your profile is complete as possible - even if the address is confidential. This will allow us to send treats out. During Art Forty-Two's first month, we sent collage packets to about fifty members. We wanted to send them to the first 100 members but several of the profiles were incomplete.

Also, FaithMarie and I like to celebrate birthdays so make sure you enter yours into your profile.